Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS

Mod APKRegular APK
Unlimited DiamondsLimited Diamonds
HD ViewBlur Graphics
Unlimited MoneyNo Money
Auto HeadshotDrag Aim
Upgraded SkinsNo Skins
ESP WallsNot Known
Smooth GameplayItchy Gameplay
Magnificent OutfitsNormal Outfits

About Free Fire MAX

Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS is an ehnaced version of a battle royale game named Garena Free Fire made by special developers for the players who wanted to experience something better and upgraded. Free Fire MAX has better visuals and enhanced graphics, provides a level gaming experience, and is a try for this genre. This version is for iOS users but you can download the Android version too by visiting our other page. The old and new players can use the upgraded version. The voice chat in the game makes them to engage themselves in the game.

This game also provides some more features like customizable lobby, character and pet upgradation, improved chracter maps and many more. Players experiences better graphics with a new design of UI. This mod will provide control of weapons and outfits, including characters, and also mini map or tactical map at the corner.

Free Fire Max IPA Mod Apk for iOS is an batle royale game that provides the players a seamwhichless gameplay which makes itself unique from others. Players can find a squad in the world chat and can play with them. In this game, 50 players land on the battle field and there is only one champion if you’re playig solo. Playing in squad can cause more enjoyment than usual gameplay beacuse you can have conversation with your squad during the game.

Key Features:

  • Ultra HD Graphics
  • Firelink Technology
  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Always Updated
  • Realistic view
  • New Map Locations

What is Free Fire Max IPA Mod APK?

Free Fire has recently launched many version of the game which is Free Fire Max IPA (MOD MENU). This version gathers both game players of FF and FF Max, offering players to play thogethrer while having a completely diferent games. This technology is only available in Garena games.

The addition of MOD Menu allows iphone players to play and customize their gameplay, lobby and characters, making it to play with more satisfaction. Players can easily compare their stats with other players to check their actual game. The updated version gives more realistic, faster game loadings and improved animations.

Garena Free Fire MAX IPA mod menu is another technology that is anti-cheat system, made to alert players having malware functions. This makes players more immerse and they only have to worry about their opponent.

Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS

FF Max Lost Version

For users all over the world, Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS makes the game more thrilling and action. With all features like enhanced gameplay, smoothe graphics and others while avoiding to use any malware mechanism. No need to download the additional features, simply download the game start the journey along wih Garena Free Fire Max players.

Free Fire Max is well known for it undefindable features, making it to download million times in the world. It is designed to maximize the overall gaming experience and providing a variety of features and maps.

Free Fire Max IPA Mod Menu

Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS headshot eliminations

One of the best and most amazing features of Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS is that you can join tournaments and challenges. They will give you a prize money if you win the game against those competitive players. Also, players can customize their gameplay. In short, Free Fire max gives players multiple features to upgrade and enhance their gameplay. It gives the maximum experience possible.

MOD Functions

  • ESP
  • Money
  • Headshot
  • Aimbot
  • Diamonds
  • Run on Water




Unlimited Money



Unlimited Diamonds



Unlimited Gold Coins






Mod Menu



ESP Walls



APK Mods



iOS Mods



Infinite Ammo



No Spread



No Recoil



Skin Unlocks






How to Download FF Max MOD?

Downloading Free Fire MAX IPA Mod Apk for iOS is bit difficult to download but we will explain it to you in different ways. You can download the game by simply following the procedure given below. There are three methods to download FF max in iOS. You can also download it easily by using app store, but if you want to download FF max mod apk, you have to follow the key points.

Downloading Without Computer

  • Download Trollstore or Esign or Scarlet to download the game.

  • Download FF max and send it to Scarlet or esign or trollstore.

  • Before downloading fre fire max, must provide the Apple I’d and Password.

Downloading Using Altstore

  • Download Free Fire max IPA file on your Iphone.

  • Once free fire IPA is downloaded, open Altstore and go to my apps tab.

  • Press plus + icon on the left corner, click on it and your apps will be displayed. Click on Free Fir Max IPA.

  • If you haven’t logged in, first make an account or connect it with Apple I’d.

  • Thus your free fire max will be downloaded soon and enjoy.

Downloading Using Sideloadly

  • Download and open sideloadly on your mobile to start downloading FF Max.

  • Coonect your Iphone to a PC and drag the file in Sideloadly.

  • If you haven’t logged in, first make an account or connect it with Apple I’d.

  • Click on install button to start the download.

  • Setting > Profile & Device Management > Trust on Developer.

  • And iOS 16 go to privacy and security open developer mode.


Free Fire Max IPA mod APK is only for entertainment purpose. There is a risk of your account being banned if you use malware or illegal softwares that doesn’t follow the rules and regulation of Garena. Terms and Conditions must be read before downloading any APK. This game is available on app store. If you want to experience those features that has limitations in the game like ESP walls, Aimbot etc, download our version to get the new experience. This game is a battle royale game and we hurt no emotions. Iphone Free Fire Max is the best for iOS plaers because there is less lag than android or PC.